Family Coat of Arms

The family’s coat of arms is derived from Pierre’s wax seal which he brought with him when he came to Denmark in 1732. The seal is shown seen in the pictures below. The picture at the bottom right is a mirror image made to show how the imprint of the seal looked. There are no records of where the coat of arms originates or a precise description of its elements. There have among others historically been numerous discussions as to which object, the armor-clad arm is holding.

Shortly after the establishment of the Family Association in 1914 the treasurer P.E. Dornonville de la Cour launched a study by Danish Heraldic Society on the basis of the seal. The result was the coat of arms designed by the Councillor of State, Professor H.B. Storck, which is now the association’s official, and as seen above. The coat of arms was in 1917 described as follows:

“The crucial components of the coat of arms – the helmet mark and shield mark – are determined as follows: The helmet mark is an armored arm holding a palm branch (not a quill pen). It is clear from the original seal from Pierre la Cour, and no professional heraldics will be in doubt, the position and the shape shows it immediately. In addition, it will be a rarity to find an armored arm swinging a quill pen, whereas the palm branch (victory palm) is perfectly well known. One can also imagine that it just symbolizes ‘the South’ (France) or the memory of an ancestor fight in Africa (Spain).”

About the shield mark is said that the roof may be colored red while the rest of the house must be in contours with windows, door and chimney. In addition, it is stressed that while shield mark and helmet mark is passed on from generation to generation, the shape of the shield and helmet as well as the helmet dress can change, and with regard to colors, the family can once and for all choose these, which cannot be determined from Pierre la Cour’s seal or any other way.

After consultation with the Danish Heraldic Society the above coat of arms was drawn with the colors that must be counted as the family’s colors for the future: The shield mark is a white house in contours with door and two windows and a red roof on a blue background. On the helmet is an arm in silver armor that holds a green palm branch with red stem tip and drop of blood. The cloth bonnet is internally silver and exterior to one side red and the other blue. This symbolized both Danish and French colors along with the palm branch from the “south” brutally torn out of the main stem.
