Statutes of the society of Pierre la Cour’s Family

Adopted at the first general meeting on January 31, 1914 and amended at the Annual General Meetings in 1916, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1929, 1934, 1943, 1978, 1988, 2014 and 2022.

1. Name and Purpose
1.1. The name is “The Association Pierre la Cour’s Family”. Its purpose is to enhance the cohesion of the family.
1.2. The Association’s domicile at the active Chairman’s private address.

2. Members
2.1. Every woman and man who descends from Pierre la Cour (born 22 February 1716; immigrated to Denmark in 1732; died 14 March 1775) can join the Association. The same applies to spouses and cohabitants. Children of members are automatically members by virtue of their parents’ membership until the end of the year in which the child reaches the age of 20.
2.2. Members are also required to pay the membership fee fixed by the Annual General Meeting.
2.3. The membership fee is paid first upon registration as a member and then at the beginning of each year to the Association’s accountant.
2.4. In the absence of payment of the membership fee before the end of the year is the accountant is entitled to cancel the membership.
2.5. Each member receives the Association’s genealogy magazine and the Association’s communications in general. Members can participate in the Association’s meetings and celebrations and after the age of 18  vote on its general meetings.
2.6. A member shall keep the Secretary informed of his/her residence.

3. Cancellation of membership
3.1. Cancellation of membership can only be made by written notice to the Association’s accountant before the beginning of the calendar year for which cancellation shall take effect.
3.2. No member has the right to demand membership fee or other deposits refunded or to any calculated share of the Association’s fund or funds.

4. Financial governance
4.1. Assets of the Association shall be placed in listed bonds with high liquidity or in an investment fund encompassing a wide range of the largest listed Danish companies.
4.2. The Board shall decide on the organization of administrative costs, scholarships and grants to promote the Association’s purpose.
4.3. The Board may award grants. To qualify require that the applicant has been a member of the Association in the three immediately preceding calendar years, as well as the Association considers that support should be given.
4.4. Applications for grants should be submitted to the chairman of the Association and must include a description of the intended use of the grant as well as the applicant’s family number, name, address, e-mail and bank account number.

5. Administration of grants
5.1. Hereditary donations and legacies in the form of grants etc. concerning the use of which specific regulations have been declared, and which at the Board’s opinion are in accordance with the Association’s purpose, can upon agreement with the Board be received by the Association for management under the authority of the General Meeting.
5.2. If the donor of such grants have not made any specific declaration about the placing and use of such funds, the Board makes the necessary decisions in this regard.

6. General Meetings
6.1. Each year before July 1 the Association should hold its Annual General Meeting. Time, place and agenda is determined by the Association’s board of directors.
6.2. Extraordinary General Meetings may be held only if decided at an Annual General Meeting by 2/3 of the votes cast, or if requested by a majority of the board members in connection with at least 20 other members. Time, place and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting is determined in the two cases respectively by the General Meeting and the Board.
6.3. Notice of ordinary and extraordinary General Meetings and the agenda should be sent to the members by the Association’s secretary with at least one month’s notice.
6.4. The General Meeting is the highest authority of the Association.
6.5. Its negotiations shall be led by a chairman elected by the General Meeting.
6.6. The agenda should include the following items:

1. Election of a chairman of the meeting
  2. Statement from the Chairman
  3. Statement from the Accountant
  4. Election of board members
  5. Election of alternates
  6. Election of auditor and alternate auditor
  7. Proposals from members
  8. Any other business

6.7. Proposals from members for discussion at the Annual General Meeting must be received by the Board no later than March 1.
6.8. All decisions are made by simple majority of votes, see however, clauses 9 and 10 regarding legislative changes and the Association’s abolition. If requested by at least half of the members present, votes should be made secret and in writing.
6.9. Absent members may vote through written proxies approved by the chairman of the meeting, however no member may cast more than 10 votes (his/her own included).
6.10. Minutes of the meeting should be prepared and approved by the chairman of the meeting.

7. Board of Directors and auditors
7.1. The Association’s daily affairs are handled by a board of five to seven members and two alternates elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Board elects from among its members the Association’s chairman, secretary and accountant. It shall establish its rules of procedure and shall meet as often as the Chairman or three other of its members want it. For a decision of the board to be valid, it must be endorsed by a majority of the Board members. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
7.2. The secretary is responsible for the distribution of the Association’s messages. The secretary keeps minutes of all deliberations of the board.
7.3. The accountant receives all payments shall make all payments and maintain an easily manageable account book and prepare the financial statements. The accountant shall place the Association’s resources in accordance with the Board’s decision.
7.4. Board members and alternates are elected for one year at a time.
7.5. At the General Meeting are also elected an auditor and one alternate auditor for one year at a time.
7.6. Both the members of the Board, the alternates and the auditors may be reelected.
7.7. Board members and alternates should be resident in Denmark.

8. Accounting
8.1. The Associations accounting period is the calendar year.
8.2. No later than one month before the Annual General Meeting the accountant sends the audited financial statements to the Association’s board. The Board shall submit the financial statement to the General Meeting for approval.
8.3. Administrative expenses – including acquisition of writing equipment, protocols, etc., printed matter, postage, rent of rooms for meetings, rent of safety deposit box etc. – are paid by the Association’s accounts upon invoicing.
8.4. The Association is represented by two out of the Chairman, the secretary and the accountant. Directors may grant power of attorney.

9. Amendments
9.1 Changes or additions to the Statutes shall be valid adopted at two consecutive Annual General Meetings. At the first of these, an amendment of the statutes should be passed by at least 2/3 of the votes cast in order to advance to the secondary vote at the next Annual General Meeting, which adopts or rejects the amendment with a simple majority.

10. Abolition of the Association
10.1 Proposals regarding the abolition of the  Association should be handled the same way as amendment proposals. The second General Meeting, which should adopt the Association’s abolition should – also with a simple majority – determine in what way the Association funds should be applied, except to the extent that any granters of scholarships have made any special provisions in that regard, and set up a committee to undertake the necessary in this regard. The use of the Association’s funds should as far as possible be in accordance with the Association’s purpose.
