75 Lavritzstine Aubert (née la Cour)

Lauvritzstine was named after both her parents, Lauritz Ulrik la Cour (no. 52) and Ellen Kirstine la Cour, and she was born on 19 February 1848 at Skærsø manor. She attended her uncle Peter’s boarding school at Margrethelund farm from 1857 to 1860 and then spent one and a half years in Lyngby with the family of her brother-in-law, a man by the name of Siegumfeldt.

Lavritzstine married Emil René Aubert on 31 August 1871. Emil was born on 13 November 1843 in Oslo, a son of Professor Ludvig Cæsar Martin Aubert and Ida Dorthea Maribo. Emil spent three years working in business and then studied. Starting in 1865, he learned farming by working with his uncle Thaulow at Havmøllen, a farm near Ebeltoft. In November 1866 he began working for a man named Jensen at Holmegaard, an estate near Hobro. Emil managed Havmøllen for his father’s sister, whose married name was Thaulow, in 1867-68 and in 1868 became farm-bailiff* at Nissumgård, a manor outside Skanderborg. After managing Sølyst, a farming estate near Grenaa, for his father-in -law from the beginning of 1869, Emil purchased it from him in 1871 and received the deed to the property in 1873.

Lavritzstine and Emil travelled to Norway in 1868, 1874 and 1876-77. In 1876, Emil exchanged Sølyst for Vestereng, a farm near Aarhus, which he took over in April 1877. He also bought the country home Rolighed outside Aarhus in 1886, but sold it again in 1892. After buying a small property in Andkær Vig (on Vejle Fjord) in 1893, he and his family settled there in 1894, after hiring a manager for Vestereng. In the autumn of 1895 he moved back to Vestereng, but in the autumn of 1898 he sold it due to illness and moved back to Andkærvig.

While they were living at Vestereng, Emil held several positions of trust: an appraiser with a building society, a delegate to the confederation of Jutland farmers’ unions (Jyske Landboforeninger), an assessor in the evaluation of exceptionally well
cultivated plots of land, and auditor for the association for financially suffering Jutland farmers. At a young age, the Royal
Company for the Good of Norway (Det kongelige selskab for Norges Vel) awarded him a silver medal for his work in the training of Norwegian women dairy employees in Denmark. He died on 15 September 1901.

After Emil died, Lavritzstine sold their home in Andkær Vig in April 1902 and moved in with her sister at the Veumhus farm in Askov, where she stayed for one and a half years. Lavritzstine then rented a small apartment in Askov; her sister’s daughter, Charlotte la Cour (no. 36-7), who had a small children’s school, lived there with her. Later on, she lived at Skærsø manor for about a year, and then built a small house for herself nearby that she called Lyslet, where she lived until her death on 31 December 1933. (No children.)
